Monthly Archives: November 2015

The Coming of the Driverless Tractor Trailer?

Can a driverless tractor trailer truck be the wave of the future?  Daimler Trucks North America seems to think so because they have recently introduced, with considerable fanfare, a self-driving truck, the first licensed commercial truck that is capable of operating independently in the United States.

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The Differences in Large Truck Repair

The general public often does not appreciate the differences between a large truck such as a tractor trailer and any other vehicle on the road. Most people tend to view heavy trucks as nothing more than larger versions of the vehicles that they drive. Truck drivers know better. There’s a reason that special licensing exists […]

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Need a Tow?

Are you stuck in a rut?  No, not in the “re-evaluating your life” sense in which you buy a motorcycle and try to recapture your lost youth.  Literally, have you been driving your truck and gotten stuck in a rut that you can’t get out of?  Sometimes the driver is at fault in these circumstances.  […]

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The Benefits of Mobile Truck Repair

You’re traveling down an interstate highway when suddenly your engine makes an unsettling noise.  You can’t fully describe it, but you know that something’s wrong.  You get that queasy feeling in your stomach because you know your trip just got a lot worse.  As you pull over to the side of the road, you begin […]

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Know the Basics – Truck Parts

Professional trucking experts who have been in the business of working with tractor trailers for years know the parts of a truck like they know the back of their hand. However, everyone was a newbie at one point, so knowing the basics is worthwhile. Furthermore, some people own and operate large trucks, but they may […]

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