Any trailer driver knows that Summer and Winter are the two most important seasons to be prepared for. Of course, seasonal extremes can vary in different parts of the country. For example, in the Northeastern US, Winter tends to be much more extreme than Summer, and in the Southern states, the Summer tends to be far more extreme. While Winterization is a big topic for trailer drivers, getting your trailer ready for the Summer is also very important, depending on where you plan on driving.
First, it’s always a good idea to map out where you will be traveling over the Summer. It’s no secret that trailer drivers often drive across many states, and weather can vary drastically depending on many factors. While your home state may not have an extreme Summer, the states you will be driving either through or to may have more extreme Summers.
If you determine you will be driving in areas that have high temperatures, it’s vital to make sure that your engine coolant and cooling systems are completely in spec. While it may be a hassle now, it can be a far bigger hassle to have your truck break down in a state like Texas, where cell reception is very sparse and temperatures soar during the day. In the same topic, it’s also a good idea to fully test your air conditioning system and have it inspected by a professional. While your air conditioning malfunctioning may not prevent you from making your trips, it can be almost unbearable to drive for long distances in a hot trailer.
It’s always up to the owner to determine how hot conditions will be and what inspections are worth it to prevent needing roadside repairs. However, no approach is foolproof, and that’s why dependable trailer repair services that offer 24/7 roadside assistance like J&M Trailer and Truck Repair are always on-call, waiting to assist you.