What are the risks of speeding in my trailer?

If you’re a trailer driver, chances are that you may have gotten worried about not getting to a destination on time and have pushed the speed limit on a few occasions. It’s no secret that some speed limits in the US are set at artificially low caps, and it can be even more frustrating in some states that impose a lower speed limit on trucks as you see many passenger cars flying by. Here we’ll take a look at whether it’s worth it to speed as you drive your trailer.

First, it’s important to consider that speeding is a finable offense in every state, whether you’re in a passenger car or a truck. However, the police are far less likely to give truck drivers the same standard informal (or formal) tolerance for low amounts of speeding (from 5 mph in Kansas to 15 mph in Georgia) on interstates as they do to regular cars. Police can technically choose any vehicle to pull over, even if other people are speeding more than you are. If you’re on a 70 mph highway and everyone else is going 85, don’t assume you can drive at 80 mph and be safe from fines.

The other major factors to consider are fuel economy and your CDL and insurance status. Generally, traveling at speeds higher than what your truck is engineered to travel can be detrimental to your fuel economy. This means that if you speed significantly to get to a destination faster, you’re at risk of actually losing money on fuel. You also should consider that most states have much stricter points systems for CDL drivers than regular drivers. One speeding ticket could mean a license suspension. Truck insurance is also far more costly than regular car insurance, and you could see very large increases in insurance if you find yourself with a speeding ticket.


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